About Us
For almost 50 years, LLL has provided children meaning and joy through play. We create an environment that encourages children to learn through discovery. Our commitment to this growth is seen in our rich, developmentally appropriate play-based curriculum. We provide experiences for children that promote learning in the academic domains of literacy, math, and science as well as the more traditional early learning areas of cognitive, social, emotional, physical and language development. We meet all children at their own developmental level, nurture their growth and foster excitement of their discoveries.
LLL Preschool is ...
a learning, loving and living laboratory. Our philosophy is based upon wholeness - of body, mind, emotions, and spirit. It is also based on the belief that individuals are called to work toward wholeness in society. Individuals need to feel good about themselves before they can appreciate others. LLL will affirm each child's uniqueness and encourage the children to respect one another. In that kind of relationship, the child can gain perspective on their place in the world.
Our mission is to help young children foster independence, self-reliance and positive self-esteem. Based on a developmental curriculum, children develop reasoning and critical thinking skills, engage in problem-solving, experiment with making choices and become aware of their role as part of a larger group.
Guiding Behavior
Children need adults to guide them and help them learn what acceptable behavior is. We take a positive approach to behavior and guidance so that we can help your child develop inner controls.
A positive approach to guiding behavior includes:
Taking steps to prevent dangerous behavior (for example: establishing playground safety rules, and providing safe play experiences)
Planning a schedule that includes plenty of outdoor time for children to be active
Redirecting a child to a safer activity
Having simple, positively stated rules and explaining them in different ways to promote understanding
Using "no" sparingly by making the environment safe for children to explore freely
Guiding children's behavior also includes helping them learn how to relate to others in positive ways. We do this by modeling caring behaviors, encouraging children to help each other, reading stories about helping and caring for others, and helping children to resolve problems as they occur.
Curriculum Goals
The primary goal of our early childhood curriculum is to help children learn HOW to learn and become enthusiastic learners. We encourage children to be active and creative explorers, eager to try out their ideas and think their own thoughts.
Our goal is to help young children become independent, self-confident, inquisitive learners. We encourage children to learn at their own pace in the ways that are best for them. We are helping them to develop a positive sense of themselves.
Our curriculum identifies goals in the following developmental areas:
Social: to help children feel comfortable in school, trust their new environment, make friends and feel they are part of a group.
Emotional: to help children experience pride and self-confidence, develop independence and self-control, and have a positive attitude towards life.
Cognitive: to help children become confident leaders by letting them try out their ideas and experience success, and by helping them acquire learning skills such as the ability to solve problems, ask questions, and use words to describe their ideas, observations and feelings.
Physical: to help children increase their large and small muscle skills and feel confident about what their bodies can do.
The activities we plan for children, the way we organize the environment, select materials, plan the daily schedule, and talk with children are all designed to accomplish the goals of the preschool curriculum.
All Inclusive
The Learning, Loving, Living Preschool, Inc was founded in 1975 by members of West Parish Church. In 1983, LLL severed ties with the Church and became an independent non-profit corporation. LLL Preschool is committed to an inclusive learning environment. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion or family structure.
As a tenant at West Parish, LLL Preschool utilizes four classrooms in the lower level of the church, has a completely fenced-in playground, and has use of the church's large Fellowship Hall. Additionally, LLL utilizes the security system at West Parish Church, which limits access to both the school and the church building via an authorized electronic key fob. Our entrance is on the Shawsheen Road side of West Parish.
129 Reservation Road
Andover, MA 01810

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